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Li Xuemei

Li Xuemei is the director and professor of the Institute for Chinese Ancient Legal Documents of China University of Political Science and Law, as well as a doctoral supervisor. She has long been engaged in the compilation and research of legal documents. Her representative monograph "Study on legal historical materials of tablet inscription" (2009) won the first prize of the "Fourth Qian Duansheng Law Research Achievement Award". The book "The Traditional Practice of Engraving Laws in Bronze or Stone and the Ming-Qing System of Proscriptive Steles" (2015) won the first prize of "Beijing 14th Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award" and "The 7th Wu Yuzhang Humanities and Social Science" Outstanding Award prize. 

At present, she presides over the subject research work of "Research on Official Document Monument and the Ancient Chinese Administrative Rights" (18BFX019), a project of National Social Science Fund and "Research on Theory and Practice and Reference of Ancient Chinese Local Governance" (LSYZD21006), a special major bidding project of the National Academy of History of the National Social Science Fund.